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Why to and not pay taxes ..

Lets start with why you should pay taxes :
1. So that govt gets money to builds highways n still take toll tax.
2. Build multilevel parking's n still take parking fees.
3. Builds road and other transport infrastruture which anyways is always insufficient.
4. Open more government schools where only children of poor people study who anyway dont pay taxes.
5. Run public sectors companies like telcom. railways etc which anyways are pathhetic.
6. Lastly. they also have a police department to run [:D], which can be used to harass the common man.

Now, Why not to pay taxes :

1. If you dont pay tax that means you have more money, which means u spend more which creates more demand and thus helps in development of the country.
2. If you are a boss u stary paying better salaries, which means the national average increases.
3. You hire more ppl as a result of increase in demand thus, decreasing unemployement.
4. Well it would simple be hassle free and save govt money wasted in collecting and calculating taxes.

Humor apart plz pay your taxes on time, and dont blame me later.

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